Differences between the Parties
Although raised a liberal, Dennis' reasons for leaving the Democratic Party are made apparent in this lecture as he compares major differences between Democrat and Republican ideologies. Dennis touches on the main contrasting positions regarding topics such as ethics, morality, religion, and domestic and foreign issues.
Major Points of the Lecture:
1. Republicans believe in American" exceptionalism" (that the United States has better values than the so-called "world community"); Democrats believe in the United Nations.
2. Republicans believe in universal morality; Democrats believe in universal law.
3. Republicans believe that race is irrelevant (race has no characteristics, character has characteristics); Democrats believe that race is defining of the human being.
4. Republicans believe in powerful government; Democrats believe in individual liberties.
5. Republicans believe in individual responsibility; Democrats believe that society is responsible for how individuals behave.
6. Republicans believe that standards are more important than compassion; Democrats believe compassion is more important than standards.
7. Republicans believe that Boy Scouts are a great blessing in America; Democrats think they are a curse.
8. Republicans believe that human evil is the greatest danger to humanity; Democrats believe it is environmental degradation (stated by standard bearers of both parties).
9. Republicans believe in secular government; Democrats believe in secular society.
10. Republicans believe that Judeo-Christian values and God are the core of American values; Democrats believe that Judeo-Christian values are just one more element of a diverse society.
11. Republicans believe that America is multiethnic; Democrats believe that America is multicultural.
12. Republicans believe in appointing judges who honor the law and in the belief of the separation of powers; Democrats believe in appointing judges who make the law.
13. Republicans believe in the values of Texas; Democrats believe in the values of Europe.
14. Republicans regard President George W. Bush as a moral model; Democrats regard the President as a arrogant unilateralist.
Time: 00:00:00 to 00:44:54
Why Are So Many Jews Alienated From God?
The people who brought God into the world are probably the most alienated from Him. Jews throughout history have separated themselves from God for reasons other than the much thought" persecution." In this lecture, Dennis outlines Jewish religious background and current Jewish thought and practices that may be the cause of this alienation.
Major Points of the Lecture:
1. Many Jews are angry at God because of organized persecution such as the Holocaust, although that was not the first massive pogrom against them. Throughout history, there has been a vast amount of secularism and atheism amongst the Jews. In much of Jewish culture, it seems as if God is only allowed persecution and not defense.
2. Why did so many Jews drop Judaism before the Holocaust? Because all of God was based on Chalahah, the moment the Jews were emancipated, Jews were no longer bound to be Orthodox and the Jew had no form to approach God.
3. Jews have no Jewish identity outside of "I'm not a Christian." Christians are faith-centered, which makes it difficult for Jews to identify with "faith." They become so obsessed with not being like Christians that their faith is diminishing.
4. Jews are well-educated- The more education one receives in the secular world, the more secular one will become. Many parents worry about their children becoming too religious, they often surround their kids in a non-God-centered environment. They rarely worry about their children becoming too secular.
5. Jews are not a religion, they are a people. No faith is necessary to be a part of the Jewish culture because one is a Jew by being born of a Jewish parent. Jewish ethnicity is a theological problem because one does not have to have the Jewish religion.
Time: 00:44:54 to 01:28:32
Format: Audio CD