Included in Bundle:
Fight the gender affirming movement in The Tragedy of Gender Confusion.
We are a culture suddenly awash in gender confusion. Hollywood stars announce that they are "trans" or "non-binary," and we are ordered to use new pronouns for them. Someone who was a "she" yesterday may be a "he" - or even a "they" - today. And if we fail to conform to the new regime and instead use yesterday's pronouns, we may be punished with ostracism, unemployment, or even prosecution. This new maze of gender identity is confusing to navigate and contrary to reason and revealed truth. On this special program, you will discover the worldview that lies behind the new gender confusion, and find out how it is especially harming children and women. This program exposes how radical ideologues are working to drive a governmental wedge between parents and children, and how the new gender orthodoxy it is being exactingly policed in our culture. And you will meet someone who "transitioned" to another gender - but then was transformed by an encounter with Jesus Christ.
Stand firm on biblical truth in Intolerant: The War on Religious Liberty
America only exists as we know it because of devout Christians who came here for religious freedom. Yet now that freedom is under attack as the forces of secularism work to silence Christianity and punish those who live out their faith. Nevertheless, there are also some emerging reasons for hope, and indications that we could be starting to recapture our First Amendment freedoms.
Learn about restoring election integrity in Free & Fair
The need for free and fair elections should be a bipartisan issue. The 2020 election exposed, on a national level, how deeply flawed - and dangerously susceptible to fraud - our electoral system is. By opposing commonsense voter ID laws, encouraging ballot harvesting, threatening to federalize elections, and implementing non-secure procedures like mail-in ballots, the Left has endangered the integrity of the vote under the guise of expanding it. This special program features experts like former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, Eric Metaxas, Ralph Reed, Gary Bauer, former Princeton and Vanderbilt law professor (and current D. James Kennedy Ministries board member) Carol Swain, Tony Perkins, and many more. Discover how 2020 exposed major security risks in America's elections system, and how we can - and must - ensure that future elections are free and fair for everyone.
Discover the secrets of the far-left party in 5 Things the Left Doesn't Want You to Know
Yet as bad as that is, the real threat is what the Left doesn't tell you about the toxic impact of their schemes. You will see the enormous damage that "progressive" policies are doing to America through Gender confusion, open borders, inflation public education, lawlessness and crime